Monday 5 August 2013

PEI - aug. long weekend

Hi all, we traveled through New Brunswick on a very grey and threatening rain kind of day. We stayed a night in Shediac, NB. We went to town at night, and they had outdoor entertainment and artists had set up their wares for sale in the alleys of the downtown area. It was lovely, but it had just rained and was threatening more rain, so not that many people downtown. We will be back to New Brunswick, hopefully with better weather. So on we go.

PEI, my new favorite place to visit. We drove over the confederation Bridge to get here. It is a 13 km. 2 lane bridge. Very impressive. We are very glad there was very little wind that day. If you like lively music, with dancing and fiddle and toe tapping etc, and beaches, with sand that is actually RED, and Lobster very available, at $8 per lb. cooked (not per 100 grams), rural, with friendly folks everywhere, what can I say. Put PEI on your list. It is charming. I could easily spend a summer here. We are very well looked after, thank you very much to Bev and Mike. We went to a Ceilidh last night, with celtic and other music, including dancing (river dance type, and the dancer happened to be a second cousin of Bev's and one of the best on the island.) and a fabulous fiddle player, and guitar player. Energetic plus plus. Went to Charlottetown today and saw where the idea of confederation was born. Entertainment in the streets. We attended a live performance of the Young Company in front of confederation building. The story was about the dreams of the fathers of confederation. A fabulous presentation done by young men and women of early university age. Singing and dancing, all free except for donation - in downtown Charlottetown. We are hoping for good weather tomorrow, and we hope to hit the beautiful beach in front of us every morning!


  1. We are up at St Peters till Thurs morning then headed for New Brunswick. I agree, it is a beautiful island. We spent a week at Pine Hills campground N of Charlottetown.

  2. wow, even a video! You guys are having way too much fun. You may never return

  3. Didn't realize you had a blog going...Vera just sent me the link. Looks like you two are having a grand old time! I checked your past posts...kind of skimmed through them but it gave me a good idea as to your trip so far. Makes me want to do it again, lol. No point is saying "have a good time" are already there, haha. :) :)
