Monday 19 August 2013

On the Road Again

a local in Amherst
Hi all, we have had some R & R here in Amherst, NS.  We met up with some Peachlanders here, Greg and Raye, great to see someone from home.  They toured me around for a couple of days while Chris got better, and he has improved enough that we are heading to St. John tomorrow. 

The town next to us is Springhill, which is the town that Ann Murray comes from.  So we went to the "Ann Murray Centre"  It has many pictures of her growing up, video clips, her many music awards, her outfits that she has worn for various special events.  Generally learning about this icons' life.  We quite enjoyed it.  This is also the town that had a terrible coal mining disaster in 1958.  There was a museum about it, but we didn't go in.  It involved going down in a mine, and we decided it wasn't what we wanted to do that day.  So we drove to a bakery instead.  Much better.  lol.  Then we had a nice dinner together at the RV with Chris.  They have gone on to Cape Breton, and we had another day of R & R and laundry and vacuuming etc.  So we are set for the next leg of our journey. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi. Just did some catching up on your blog. What a fantastic trip, and you are really making the most of it. The photos are great too. Thanks for sharing, and keep on truckin.

