Friday 9 August 2013

August 9, A Rainy Day on Cape Breton

So, we woke up to rain pitter pattering on the roof.  What do we do today?

Baddeck, NS harbour
We drove to Baddeck, just a couple of kms. down the highway.  We walked around this lovely picturesque village.  There is a sailing regatta going on, so little boats on the lake.  It did rain on us, but us west coasters are used to that, so no biggie.

Then we went to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum.  He and his wife owned a summer home here in Baddeck, and he did a lot of his work here.  This is the sight of the first Canadian powered flight, in the Silver Dart
a replica of the Silver Dart

It was fascinating.  He was quite a man, had his hands in many things, especially in the work of helping the deaf to speak and communicate.  He actually worked with Helen Keller.  Also, he developed a wireless telephone, using sunshine.  And the phonograph, telegraph, of course the telephone, and hydrofoil, and the first powered flight.  Just to mention a few.

Then it was getting to dinner time.  Oh dear, what should we do?  This is a Lobster Fishing area, so they have Lobster Suppers.  OK. 

This is when it arrived.


The last bite

Chris had the salmon, plank cooked.
We visited the fellow cooking the salmon outside.

His dinner when presented.
Chris also had all you can eat Fish chowder, and mussels, and a dessert of Blueberry Crisp.  I also had a very nice glass of Nova Scotia Pinot Gregio.  So we are full, so that is all you will hear from us tonight.  Not a bad day for a rainy day!  Quite marvelous actually.  Talk to you latter.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time for a rainy day! That museum was fascinating...we enjoyed it. Aawww...lobster, seafood...I miss it already, sigh!

  2. We must have missed the rain yesterday. It sprinkled on us a little on the trail but that was all. We left here about 8:15.

  3. glad top see that my fellow Bluenosers are treating you well
