Yellowstone was amazing. Alpine meadows, pine forests, wild animals on the roadside, old forrest fires, as well as it being the top of an active volcano, with geysers, steam vents, mud pots, etc. very interesting indeed. If it was not on your bucket list, put it on! We had a very busy time trying to see it all. Lots of tourists around, so you don't do anything in a hurry. Glad it wasn't July or Aug. as it would have been even busier. The altitude is above 7500 ft. Most of the time, so cooler than most places and almost frost at night. We had one small time of driving in the falling snow, going over a high pass while a large black cloud was overhead. We had some rain and clouds, but generally not bad weather while there. I'm not going to try to send pictures tonight, I'll explain later.
We met an old family friend for lunch yesterday in Cody, Wy. It was great to see Glen Broste again. He drove all the way from Billings to have a visit with us. Then we continued on to Sheridan for the night. We had to pass the Bighorn Mountains. Wow, what a pass. 9200 ft. The last 11 miles at 8 percent decline. Very steep, long climbs and descents. It was rainy and blowing like crazy. I'm sure glad Chris was driving. Took some pictures as the hillsides were blue. it was sage brush and purple lupins in bloom. gorgeous, but the pictures don't do it justice. Then we arrived in Sheridan, elevation 3700 ft., and it was 80 degrees and kids were in the pool. We sat outside for happy hour, feeling like summer has arrived.
Today we drove to the Black Hills, got within an hour of our destination, and very loud roaring sound happening from the RV. Did not sound healthy. We think we know what it is and aren't too worried, but pulled into a service station and called for a tow. They can't even look at us until Thursday, so we are parked at "I 90 RV and Auto" in Rapid City South Dakota. When we got here, parked right beside us is another RV with BC plates, on their way across Canada as well. Go figure. Anyway, it's all part of the adventure.
Hope your repairs are not serious....keep safe