Wednesday 19 June 2013

day 2

Hi all.  We are in Garrison, Montana.  It seems that this blogsite is impossible to send pictures when you have limited wifi.  We have tried many times, and spent hours on it, so there will be no pictures until we have a strong wifi site.  Sorry.

It rained much of today, as it seems it is doing at home as well.  We head for Yellowstone tomorrow, and it looks like it will be cool and damp.  But maybe that means the animals will be out and visible! We can always hope.  This is "ranch country" with rolling hills and we did manage to see some snow capped mountains in the distance, towards where we are headed.  Hoping for better weather ahead for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris and Eleatha! After watching Calgary floods we feared for your survival but it seems the bad weather headed north and has exited Yellowstone. Hope most of your visit is dry.
    We had the same frustrations about pictures, and could post none at all in Yellowstone since most places there have no internet.
    Will check back in a few days.
    Cheers - John and Urve
