Friday 19 July 2013

Kingston, July 19'th

Hi all.  We are just outside Kingston, spending time with a girlfriend of mine from high school days.  We just received a note from a friend asking if we were alright, so Chris checked the weather news and found out we were in a weather watch area.  Yikes.  Knew those clouds didn't look good.  It has been very hot and humid here, so the air conditioner has been going non stop.  Tonight, we were close to a black and ominous cloud when we were having dinner out.  When we got back to the camp site, a tree had come down on the little shack that is the campground office, and shortly after we got settled in the wind, rain and light show started.  But all is well.  We haven't even lost power and the air has cooled significantly.  Don't have wifi here except for the phone, but just wanted every one to know we are alright.


  1. Good to hear.. Keep safe

  2. Hi Guys - glad that you are OK - weather here in Okanagan is hotter than hell - keeping cool by lots of dips in the "Big Lake" - just started picking our apricots before those darned starlings beat us to it - take care - from Ron & Molly
