Tuesday 30 July 2013

Gaspe, Quebec, July 27th to July 30

Monument to Jacques Cartier
We are still in Gaspe, at the Fort Ramsey Campsite.
 Sunday we drove to Gaspe, did some groceries and went to the Museum of Gaspe.  They had a monument for Jacques Cartier as he discovered this area in 1534.

We spent yesterday doing chores, laundry, Vacuuming, Shopping for supplies, reading. I started the latest Louise Penny book, which is very appropriate because she is a writer from Quebec and writes murder mysteries that occur in rural Quebec.  If you haven't read any of her books, I recommend them.  It was a steady rain all day, not cold or windy, just a nice rain.  Good to have a down day. 
Cap Gaspe Lighthouse

Today started much better, with occasional sunshine, so we toured the Forillon National Park at the end of the Gaspe Peninsula.  It was a lovely day.  We did some walking to a lighthouse.  When we got there the fog had rolled in and you couldn't see anything.  Then the wind blow it away and it was gorgeous.  We got back to the campsite before a little rain fell again.  It looks like tomorrow will be a good day, weather wise.  We have our fingers crossed.

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