Sunday 1 September 2013

Boston and Old Cape Cod

I forgot to include this picture in the original post of Boston.  This is where you pay for parking at the train station.  It is really hi tech, for the city that has MIT!  You have to use cash.  You put $4 in the little slot that has the stall number of where you are parked.  Quarters (16) or dollar bills folded and stuck in the slot.  You can use the little medal poker thingy in my hand to push it in.  If you only have a $5, then you pay five, if you only have a ten, same.
Parking Pay station at commuter train.
Apparently, you can pay on line using your phone, though!

Old Cape Cod,
Beautiful sandy beaches.  The whole Peninsula looks like a big sand dune.  The problem with most of the area is that the property next to the beach is all privately owned, so very few places where you can get to the beach.  At least where we were.  We didn't get to the end of it, and maybe we will try tomorrow.  The end is a National park, so I'm sure there is better access there.  If you get to the beach (This picture was taken at a private beach, I found out later.  Chris just dropped me off, as you had to pay $25 in the parking lot there.) The sand is that beautiful white fine sand, the water blue.  It was a lovely day too.

Some of the homes along the water

The harbour, where you take the ferry to Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard.

JFK Museum.  His family still has the summer house here.
The traffic getting home from there was atrocious!  Friday of the last long weekend in the summer, close to Boston and New York City, guess it figures.  So the next day, we had a day off from driving.  We did laundry, and vacuuming, and reading, and I even did some knitting.  We met some people that come here all the time and sat and chatted for a long time, getting the lowdown on Washington DC, and the area.  It is a pleasant campsite, again, easy to get around to Boston and such, but out of the city.  For those following us, it is Circle G Farm campsite in Bellingham, Mass.
We are having another day off today, as we woke up to pouring rain and thunder and lightning.  It is still 78 degrees, so quite warm.  It quit raining this afternoon, but it is great to have some time off from travel, so we are enjoying our leisure.  We have been getting a little travel weary, so this rain and rest is probably exactly what we need.  Ha ha.
Cooking outside, so as not to make it any warmer inside. 
We have one more night here.  The weather looks to be the same tomorrow,  showers and thundershowers, etc. etc., so we may just stay put again, and not tour around.  We are booked into a campsite in New Jersey that is said to be only 15 minutes to downtown Manhattan by ferry and has a view of the Statue of Liberty etc. from the campsite.  It is not cheap, but otherwise you would be driving to a commuter train 45 miles, and then 1 1/2 hours on the train to get there.  The campsite is a parking lot, not a tree in sight, and we will have to drive into Jersey City, which may be something with a motor home.  Wish us luck! 

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