Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day one.

Well,  we made it to Spokane tonight in spite of starting much later than we hoped.  Chris looked quite at home behind the wheel and said he was quite pleased with how it handled.  We found a nice quiet campsite on a golf course in Deer Park.  The day was cloudy with occasional light showers.  This blog thing is not easy with limited service.  We have worked on getting this one little picture in here since last night.  Won't be spending this much time in places like Yellowstone.  Ha ha.  Very frustrating exercise.  Raining this am.  Spokane is in a very flat area with hills in distance.  Lots of fields.

Chris looks quite at home behind the wheel

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eleatha, the pictures don't show.....the captions are there, but no pics
